Medusa Zombie Slayer
Kid #2 to me when she noticed the fresh dent one the back of my car: “Mom! Someone hit you!”
Me, sheepishly: “Um, no sweetie. Nobody hit me.”
Kid #2, understanding: “Mom! Did you back into somebody?!”
Me, thinking quickly: “Well, not exactly.”
Kid #2, who has now crossed her arms and is tapping her foot: “Mom?! Be truthful.”
Me, with a deep sigh: “Well, you see honey, there was a zombie attack and I had to save a helpless old lady by backing my car full speed into the attacking zombies! That’s why there’s a dent and no blood. ‘Cause zombies don’t have blood, see?”
Kid #2, trying to catch me out: “Yeah right, Mom. If you had to attack zombies with your car, why didn’t you ram them head first?”
Me, thinking quickly: “Because, honey, they were Medusa zombies. And I could only look at them through my rear-view mirror or else I’d turn to stone.”
Kid #2, giggling now: “Yeah right, Mom. But that’s a good one.”
Me, the Medusa Zombie Slayer: “All in a day’s work, sweetie.”